Visión por ordenador
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Format | Data | Títol | Autor |
Format | Data | Títol | Autor |
16 febrer 1998 |
An approach to coded structured light to obtain three dimensional information |
Salvi, Joaquim
An approach to coded structured light to obtain three dimensional information |
Salvi, Joaquim
25 novembre 2005 |
Assisted visual servoing by means of structured light |
Pagès Marco, Jordi
Assisted visual servoing by means of structured light |
Pagès Marco, Jordi
24 juliol 2006 |
Catadioptric stereo based on structured light projection |
Orghidan, Radu
Catadioptric stereo based on structured light projection |
Orghidan, Radu
14 juny 2012 |
Computer vision techniques for early detection of skin cancer |
Quintana Plana, Josep
Computer vision techniques for early detection of skin cancer |
Quintana Plana, Josep
18 desembre 2009 |
Efficient 3D scene modeling and mosaicing |
Nicosevici, Tudor
Efficient 3D scene modeling and mosaicing |
Nicosevici, Tudor
26 juny 2007 |
Hand-held 3D-scanner for large surface registration |
Matabosch Geronès, Carles
Hand-held 3D-scanner for large surface registration |
Matabosch Geronès, Carles
16 novembre 2018 |
Motion annotation in complex video datasets |
Muhammad Habib, Mahmood
22 juny 2012 |
One-shot pattern projection for dense and accurate 3D reconstruction in structured light |
Fernández Navarro, Sergio
One-shot pattern projection for dense and accurate 3D reconstruction in structured light |
Fernández Navarro, Sergio
17 octubre 2018 |
Underwater navigation and mapping with an omnidirecional optical sensor |
Bosch Alay, Josep